We have been working in the field of Acupuncture and Natural Medicine for over three decades, to bring it recognition as an important, effective and viable health care modality in India. Our purpose and efforts have been manifold...
Treating people at our Clinic and taking care of over 3,00,000 patients, over 28 years to help them lead better, healthier lives. We treat a wide array of ailments ranging from acute and chronic musculoskeletal conditions to diseases of the immune system. Providing help to patients with chronic debilitating respiratory and neurological issues enables them to improve their quality of life. Be it assisting women with infertility to conceive or supporting to be mothers from their conception to birth we are there to help. We aim to provide the best level of care that acupuncture can offer to patients. There was a time acupuncture was looked at as additional treatment to experiment with, but it is now increasingly considered a treatment of choice.
Running the IANM Course to systematically and formally train doctors in acupuncture, so that they are adequately qualified to practice this form of medicine and can pursue it as a serious career option. We provide guidance to doctors on how to run a successful acupuncture practice with minimal effort.
Making representations to successive governments to both recognise and regulate acupuncture as an authentic, scientific and legitimate system of healing in India. Due to our efforts, in 2019, the Government of India recognised acupuncture as an independent mode of therapy to be practiced in India. In addition, we have been advocating for a Medical Council to regulate the teaching and practice of acupuncture, like other fields of medical practice, to ensure that the highest standards of study, research, scrutiny and qualification are established and achieved. Only qualified medical practitioners should be able to pursue acupuncture, in recognition of it as a serious and genuine system of medicine. In recognition of our collective efforts, across many contexts, Dr Raman Kapur received the Padma Shri, the fourth highest award in India, in 2008, for his work in the field of medical acupuncture. The Award, along with the faith that our patients, peers and students have in us, is validation of the efforts we have been making for acupuncture to be rightfully acknowledged and promoted as a credible and significant system of health and well-being.