The Institute of Acupuncture and Natural Medicine is a pioneering institution, set up in 1992, with the aspiration to encourage and advance the study and practice of the holistic and rich healing tradition of acupuncture in India. For close to three decades, we have worked to support and mentor a large number of doctors, across various disciplines of practice, equipping them to become effective and skilled acupuncturists. We have also actively worked to create an exhaustive and vigorous pedagogical system to facilitate the teaching and learning of acupuncture. Attaining better patient results in the long term through the application of integrated medicine has always been a challenge for both doctors as well as medical research personnel. We at IANM help find solutions to such problems, thus bringing smiles to the doctor and the patient fraternity alike.
IANM is the realisation of our bold vision to impart knowledge accumulated from accomplished Masters and our learnings from our practice, to our peers and coming generations of doctors, to keep the history and legacy of an ancient system alive and breathing.
Consistent and significant improvements and results from acupuncture and associated therapies, witnessed globally, and from our clinical practice and experiments, have strengthened our belief in and commitment to advancing this science, philosophy and practice. Having deeply engaged with acupuncture, its unique manifestations and challenges in the Indian context, we were keen to develop a teaching pedagogy and methodology, especially suited to the requirements of patients and practitioners from this part of the world. Our experiences, as young doctors trying to understand an intense philosophy and system, coupled with limited opportunities and concerns such as costs, language and socio-cultural context, gave us the impetus to develop an accessible and affordable training process. A training process that helps lucidate even the toughest of concepts.
While initially doctors wanted to study acupuncture because it fascinated them, they now regard it as a specialisation that enhances their understanding of their patients, making them better physicians, helping them heal their patients and not just treat their diseases.
A robust and complete course that can be pursued online, as per the individual's convenience, makes ours a very popular and sought after programme. What started as a classroom course with a handful of doctors has grown into a full-fledged course, attended by doctors from India and outside.
Driven by the dream to see the power of acupuncture touch every life that can benefit from it, we encourage and nurture potential acupuncturists like you all around the globe.
We empower you to fulfil your dreams and passions to heal the world!